

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Configure GNS3 on Windows 7

Good day!!!

Just want to apologize for my English. I am from Belarus andif there are errors, then feel free to write about them, I will correct them :).
In the last post I explained how to install GNS3 on your computer. As you can see, nothing complicated, everything is easy :). At the time of this writing, has released new version of GNS3. You can download it from here, GNS3 v0.7.4 all-in-one. Installation remains the same, the settings too. The changes affected only the bags in the program.
Today, I want to tell you about how to configure GNS3 for normal and comfortable work. So, I invite all under the cat ...

Run our installed program. We see the first window:

We propose to set up and test Dinamips and verify that the working area available (№ 1) or add the IOS-s device (№ 2). Choose (№ 1).
Window with configuration will appear:

    On the first page, you can choose the general settings, such as:
  • 1- Language of the interface;
  • 2- Folder, for our projects;
  • 3- Folder, for our IOS;
  • 4- Place, for our configuration file (for program GNS3).
If the choice of interface language is clear, then the remaining paragraphs lets discuss in more detail. For paragraph 2 and 3 I recommend to create separate subfolders in folder, where you was installed GNS3 (for example c:/program files (x86)/GNS3/projects and c:/program files (x86)/GNS3/images). To paragraph 4, leave all parameters by default. So, after you create the folders, you should have something like this:

Click the «Apply» button and go to tab «Terminal Settins». On this tab choose, what program we will use for connecting to our virtual devices. I chose from the drop down menu program Putty.

Click on «GUI Settings» tab.

Here, put a tick against the item marked with a circle. This means always use the manual mode then you add connections. Also, here you can specify the size of working area (width and height). After you put this parameters click on «Apply» button and go to tab «Dynamips».

On this step, for «Executable path» write the path to file, for «Working directory» create a subfolder «temp» in folder, where we installed program (c:/program files (x86)/GNS3). After that, click on «Test» and you should see a message, that «Dynamips» was successful launched. For «Hypervisor Manager» leave the default settings. Click on «Apply» and go to tab «Capture».

In this tab configure setting for program, which will be catch and display packets (traffic) in our network. In this case, the program Wireshark will use. It must be installed separately. For «Working directory for capture files» in root folder create subfolder «capture» (c:/program files (x86)/GNS3/capture) and then check a path to file wirwshark.exe. If a path not good, then prescribes the right path (parameter %c should be!). Again click on «Apply» and go to tab «Qemu».

On the tab «General Settings», as in previous phases, prescribes the specific file path specified in the relevant fields. For «Working directory» specify subfolder «temp», which we created earlier. After that, click on «Test» and you should see a message, that three major files (Qemuwrapper, qemu и qemu-img) were successfully launched. Click on «Apply» button.
For the next configuration you should have IOS for routers, PIX, ASA and images for QemuHosts. IOS for routers, PIX, ASA you may find in the Internet, images for QemuHosts you may download from that place. After you found and downloaded all you need, put this in subfolder «images».
So, if you are ready, then go to the tab «Qemu Host».

Here, write the name of your Qemu host (1). In drop down menu (2) you must choose image that you need. Below, you can specify parameter for RAM. Then, click «Save» button, you should see message that first Qemu Host was successful created. You may append many Hosts, if you want, procedure is similar.
Next, go to the tab «PIX» (on top).

Here doing a similar action as in previous case. Do not forget to click «Save»!!! The parameters that are marked «1» we will discuss in the next posts.
I do not going to tell you about the following tabs (JunOS, ASA, IDS) because I do not have images and I do not use them in my work yet. But I will tell you about them in the next posts.
Click «Apply» button and then «OK». You have to go back to the first page, that we began our work in this post (see first image). Click on item №2. You should see this window:

    Here you should choose and set next parameters (for configure virtual devices):
  • 1 – image file (from folder with all IOS and images);
  • 2 – platform of your virtual router;
  • 3 – model of virtual router from that platform.
Make sure the image file (IOS) is fully consistent with the chosen platform and model, otherwise, your virtual router does not work. Click «Save» and you will see your first virtual router at the top. «Base config» parameter can be left by default. In the same way you must add the rest of IOS. Do not forget click «Save» button after each addition devices.
On tab «External hypervisors» you can leave all by default. If necessary, you may correct them at any time.
Click «Close» button. You have to go back to the first page, that we began our work in this post again. Click «OK» on it.
That is all done!!! I congratulate you!!! We have finished configuring basic parameters of GNS3.
This concludes this post. Hopefully, it will be useful to someone out of you, and maybe all :). Waiting for you in the following posts.

If you have a questions or comments, then do not be afraid to write me!!!! This is my contact information. I will pleased to answer!!!!

With best regards, Ant0ni0n.

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